Operation Noah Climate Emergency Ecumenical
Dr William Calvin.Washington Univ Medical Professor,  author on science, brains, evolution, and climate change.
Envisionation Communicating climate change
Stern Commission Economics of Climate Change
Global Stewards  climate change page
Climate Emergency Institute

VIDEO Climate Change and Intergenerational Evil
Unprecedented Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis, 2015, Author, David Griffin
CLIMATE INSURGENCY A Strategy for Survival, 2015, Jeremy Brecher,download
Bits of science superb on climate change
THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY John Avery 2017 free download​
Climate change: Science Mitigation and Adaptation Facebook group ​ 
NASA climate change 
NOAA (US) Climate, Atmospheric GHGs
Copernicus (Europe's NASA)
UK MET Office Climate 
Climate feedback : scientists checking media coverage.
Climate Science Awareness ​and Solutions: James Hansen & NASA scientists 
Bigwobble a best news site
Climate Outreach Good visuals
The watchers (environmental disasters)
Climatographers (massive resource)
Climate Impacts lab
​temperature maps)
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EMBER Energy    We an independent energy think tank to accelerate the clean energy transition with data and policy.
TRACE Emissions 
>Easiest: FAs, Headline Statements, Fact sheets
>SPMs Summary Policy Makers, have been checked and approved by all governments
>​Technical Reports More science than SPMs  ​
>Many long science chapters​
Assessments and Special Reports